Category: Video
Released: Jul 06, 2011
Version: 1.0.0
Size: 5.0 MB
Language: English
Seller: Systemic Pty Ltd
© Systemic Pty Ltd
Quite simply the smartest, simplest and most efficient converter out there. Smart Converter will provide a faster, higher quality conversion than most existing converters.
Drag your video or audio file to Smart Converter, select an output format and convert, it's as simple as that. Smart converter will analyse your file and preserve as much of the original as possible, optimising conversion speed and quality.
Smart Converter handles hundreds of file types and converts to all your favourite formats, it will also add your converted file to iTunes.
Need more convincing, get Smart Converter and try it for yourself, it's FREE.
Why So Smart?
When you drop a media file into Smart Converter and choose a conversion type, it immediately analyses your file and works out exactly what part of it needs to be converted to achieve the desired output.
In many cases neither the video nor the audio need converting. In some cases just one or the other need converting, and in a few cases both will need converting.
Doing this analysis ensures Smart Converter only converts stuff that needs converting, and leaves the rest alone. This has a two-fold advantage over many other converters; it's usually very fast and maintains the highest possible quality of video and audio.